What first made you want to go to Africa?
Honestly I don't remember. I've always wanted to go to Africa. The first time I remember really wanting to go to Africa was when I was about ten or eleven and I read a biography on Mary Slessor . One of the big reasons why I picked Uganda is because of Katie Davis' blog. (The link is on my sidebar) Katie is a 22 year old woman living in Uganda who has adopted 14 girls. Her blog is awesome. I would recommend going to the archives on her blog and reading the whole thing.
What will you be doing in Africa?
I will be staying in Jinja, Uganda, (Uganda is to the left of Kenya and below Sudan, and Jinja is in the South of Uganda on the shores of Lake Victoria) at an orphanage called Amani Baby Cottage. Amani can house up to 60 babies ages 5 and under. I will stay at Amani for 8 weeks, and then spend a week in Bugabo Village with my friend Christie Cotney. (The link to her blog is on my sidebar also) I would post a link for Bugabo, but it is too small to be on the map. :) It is a little North of Kampala, about 3 hours or so from Jinja. I'm not sure what my duties will be at Amani, besides holding babies. :) In Bugabo I will be helping out at the school, visiting people, and generally doing whatever Christie tell me to. :)
Do you have friends that you will know that are already over there or will you be meeting all new people?
I already know Christie and Katie online but I've never met them in person. Another girl I've met online is Renee Bach. Her blog is really cool too. I'm also friends on face book with a couple people who will be volunteering at Amani the same time as me.
Another question I get a lot is:
What can you take with you?
I will be able to take two large suitcases. I ordered some online and they should come in the next week or two. There is "donate" page on the Amani website with a list of things they need. If anyone wants to get stuff for Amani let me know so that I can make sure I still have room in my suitcases. (so far all I have is a couple cans of formula, and my clothes will not take up a lot of room, so I still have plenty of space) Also, each suitcase has to be under 50lbs so nothing too heavy. I'll have to talk to Christie to find out what kinds of things she needs.
If you have any more questions then feel free to ask!
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